الاثنين، 26 يناير 2015

SoakSoak malicious programming sweeping platforms WordPress

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A wave of panic website owners hosted on WordPress, after more than 100,000 malicious software platform SoakSoak.

SoakSoakThe news came after search giant Google Inc. has added more than 11,000 hosted by WordPress site to the restricted sites list has.
After research found that these sites were infected with malicious programming that is named "SoakSoak" with operations such as converting visitors to your site by site programmers or inappropriate ads appear on pages of the site.

This programming is owned by a group of young Russians who projections have launched a year ago.
With regard to the total number of sites using WordPress platform and up to 70 million, is expected to increase the numbers of breeding to well-known sites have not been disclosed yet.

Security researchers who have discovered such programming have to Soak not only sites hosted on WordPress, but it is now seeking to target a number of other platforms, but the most influential platforms WordPress.

According to some news stations about the event wetdaaith.

How do I know if my site is infected by SoakSoak:
File target rate currently bears the name template-loader.php
We find this file on the following extension: wp-includes/template-loader.php, which in turn causes the download of a small JavaScript file extension wp-includes/js/swobject.js
The entire risk lies in the file swobject.js the file to download malicious programs to your PC without having to feel it and is running ads on your site may contain indecent material.
The initial solution in the event of injury to your site to the link and delete the JavaScript file from your site and your files then check to make sure no other harmful files.

To maintain the mdonatkem far from such malware you should work to reduce install extensions unreliable and limit the number of current plugins as much as possible, because it is the first reason that ruined and penetrate your site.

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