الاثنين، 26 يناير 2015

6 strategies to ensure the survival of the visitor stay longer on your site – SEO 2015

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You may spend hours trying to write a long essay thinking that you will be able to in this way to force the 
visitor to stay longer on your site page.
But what I don't know that the visitor was the so-called echo (any exit directly from the site) at any time unless you have a clear strategy on this subject and how to deal with visitors to your site.
Today I will give you six strategies that will keep visiting and staying longer.

Strategy # 1: ask questions and reply to comments
Do you usually ask questions at the end of each article? Simply this is going to be a very easy way to create interaction between you and your visitors which will help to reduce recoil and increased survival rate on the page.
Always think like a visitor, if I liked the article and the author asking for you at the end of the article, what would you do?
There is a high probability that you will respond to this article, yes that is what I will be doing also I without a doubt.
To ask the visitor to answer/question on your site will help you to stay longer, and this would give you the opportunity to respond to the enquiry and ensure the return visitor to read your response to his comment, this process usually raise the percentage of visits to 40% if you are receiving a good amount of comments.

Strategy # 2: help your readers on your site
Some who read your articles may leave you a comment asking for help, others will send you an email which requires assistance.
Whether you respond to these questions or you write an article that answers these questions, then this should be your priorities always.
Do not it just because you want them to go back, this will make you overlook many important points, but do you really care about is your website visitors.
The area long-term this step will help you build a good reputation for your site and at the same time gathering followers loyal to you, when you take the loyalty of your visitors, I guarantee you the success of your site and those visitors accustomed time after time.

Strategy # 3: better view your posts
عرض افضل المشاركات لديك
Do you know where is it most places you in your site? Well most of these places are located in the sidebar of your blog
View the best posts you have

To see more places targeted visitors to your site, help you to ensure that a visitor longer and reduce echo, through transmission of visitors between your materials.
Blogging on WordPress is easy to learn the most popular articles on your site and on which to try to take advantage of this boom and targeted visitors with articles and headlines urging them to move from one page to another.
Also there are tools to measure more than double places in your site is called Heatmap and free tools that enable you to is this tool: https://heatmap.it so you can measure the hottest areas on the home page or any other page.

Strategy # 4: create a conversation
What do you think of my writing, you find it boring? Or simple?
The establishment of such talks as the fastest route to the heart of the reader, we are not in the League until the official information, so try to make a discussion between you and your visitors more friendly, this will prompt the visitor to feel that dialogue with you directly without any restrictions from your relationship with your visitors.
This strategy has helped many to overcome the problem of not reading their articles by visitors, so we must think again and again how to create interaction between us and our online visitors.
Whatever your interest, however prolonged and deepened in the commentary, is the interaction of the reader remains one of the most important factors that will help you in the future.

Strategy # 5: all email to your website visitors
Well, here we come to a very important point, collect email to your website visitors.
This point is the cornerstone of marketing content, some sites rely on its visits to the visitors from email campaigns.
Needs to explain how to get mail to a detailed article, and are the most important ones are the mailing list and get a product for registration by mail.
Been many articles that talk about how increased interaction in email campaigns and put the differences between marketing mail protection to facilitate the possibility of identifying the most appropriate way to contact the mailing list, and show you the benefits of email marketing.

Strategy # 6: similar articles/associated with your
I'll start by talking about myself, when I'm in any position and finished reading the article What draws my attention directly are articles similar to article that I read
He spent a full hour of movement in that location because of the similar articles in it, so this strategy will be the most important and easiest steps we will implement to ensure visitor longer.

If you use the code of WordPress, you may have the option to view similar articles as an option in your current template, you can also use external add-ons to view these articles after each shared
For this purpose you can use the related posts widget that will help you to add similar articles based on category or tag.

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