الجمعة، 23 يناير 2015

5 ways to attract visitors without SEO

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!!Visitors without SEO

SEO your site appears in search engines and users see and come to your site this seems obvious, but how ؟can you bring those same visitors without the need for SEO

Usually we all looking for visitors to search engines understand more targeted and more transformation into your site, but it takes a full SEO campaign for your site start of internal improvement and write the content and build the Pak Linux or win back Linux to appear on the first results, of course, that means the .first 5 results per page Max

It takes time and effort and results not guarantee

But today I wanted to share with you five ways to attract visitors without SEO
I wish I could check with you the same results.

Method 1: Google News
The easiest way to get visitors from search engines and SEO is appearing in Google results but by custom news from Google and this way you can compete and appear for a day or for a few days on some powerful words that have a high search rate so you'll be able to get the largest number of visits during this period.

How to show your subject in Google News:
  1. Make your blog theme by 3 numbers like:/news123.html website.com
  2. Type the text + pictures just don't add videos or PDF files
  3. Does not refer to any external site if only social network
  4. Add a new section in the topic toxic news + section name
  5. Subject content should be indicative or tutorial and downloadable files
  6. For games you can add the code but plus
  7. Be sure to write the post in only one language, Arabic or English
  8. Add SCHEMA press release here

Method 2: Tumblr

One way to get targeted traffic to your website or blog using Tumblr to optimally keep you informed during the moments you should know that the platform Tumblr combines professional auditing Word and popularity of Facebook as a social platform is Social Blogging Platform.
How to get visitors through Tumblr?

  1. Established code related to the area of your website
  2. Publish blog posts a picture just linked to your domain
  3. When you publish all image add a #hash_tag to your site's domain name
  4. Make a reblog of the most popular images on this hash tag
  5. And add with each image link home page
  6. Continue this process for a week and watch results

Method 3: Google Communities
One of the easiest ways to attract visitors without SEO is using Google optimum communities while there are millions of users on Google plus great social network went to use Google Communities which correspond grobat Facebook but on Google you can use these large groups as a source of visits to your site, let me share with you how I do it.

How to get visitors from Google?

  1. Search for communities relating to the area of your site here
  2. Join more than 10 active communities
  3. Type the post first expressing happiness to join group
  4. Write a post on your profile on Google plus the URL of your site
  5. Share this post on Google and communities not link your site
  6. But try as much as possible the post useful for members
  7. He continued this way for a week and watch the results also

Method 4: SlideShare
One way that will fascinate you with the traffic you get is SlideShare and it's not just using the site as a way to bring your site's visits but extend to push the results of your site in search engines and may also increase your sales or subscriptions on your mailing list, etc.

How do you get visits from SlideShare?
  1. After you write a blog post within your site move Kobe/best in Word file
  2. Add the Frame lltedoinh in m.s.
  3. Add some photos to the topic within the m.s.
  4. Add your home page link at the beginning of a Word
  5. Save the file and convert it to PDF via this site
  6. Then raise it to SlideShare and type a description of the keyword 3 times
  7. Do not add a link to your site in the aldiskrbshan at all.
  8. Name the file titled your subject within your site
  9. Archive alslaid through the work of Ping from here

Method 5: Pinterest
The most fun they bring visitors through a Pinterest, but what distinguishes this approach from others? This is what I will share with you now.

How to attract visitors through a Pinterest?

  1. Create Quotes in your picture
  2. Then bring the Quotes by searching in Google for Keyword + Quotes
  3. Then convert it to a Quote through this site
  4. And then lifting them into custom Board on Pinterest call on behalf of your site
  5. Comment most popular photos within your target keyword
  6. Add the link Pin in your comment with the word thavizeih
  7. Like Check out this useful pin
  8. Work on this way for a week and watch results

In the end it is the most powerful SEO remains preferable to bring visitors to your site's targeted but these five methods I mentioned above are part of building Powerful Brand online they serve you not only in the short term but in the medium and long term together so to share with you today.

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